Blackmail Via Whatsapp

Blackmail Via Whatsapp

Blackmail crime is a crime that can be committed with more than one action. Especially today, with the development of technology, blackmail crime has increased even more on the internet. Blackmail crimes can be committed in social media environments such as Skype, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat. Many documents such as videos, recordings of messages, audio recordings are used as tools in blackmail. Blackmail crimes can be committed on online social media sites and websites. In addition, blackmail crimes are committed over phone calls.

Article 107 of the Turkish Penal Code regulates the crime of blackmail. According to the law, a person who compels a person to do or not to do something that is illegal or not obliged to do or not to do something that he is entitled or obliged to do, or to gain unfair advantage, is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years and a judicial fine up to five thousand days.

Whatsapp Blackmail

Blackmail or whatsapp blackmail are among the types of blackmail made by video recording made with video calls made over the internet. In such crimes, as in other types of video blackmail, the method of trapping is first followed by meeting on social media and video chat. The main platforms targeted by victims are Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin sites or applications. Also, in some cases it was found that blackmailers made the first contact directly via Telegram. Whatever method the blackmailer communicates with the victim, the common point is that the blackmailer uses a fake female profile. In other words, the actually male blackmailer uses a fake female profile to scam men.

The rate of blackmail crimes over Whatsapp has increased in these years with the spread of the internet and the increase in messaging applications that use the internet infrastructure. Today, the WhatsApp messaging application, which is a common alternative to voice communication, is used by 1.5 billion people in the world. Therefore, Whatsapp is one of the main application tools used in blackmail crimes in Turkey and around the world. In fact, we see that this program is used as a tool in most Internet crime cases reported to legal authorities. Actually, Whatsapp blackmail is the most common method in photo and blackmail crimes. Just like the crime of Skype blackmail, this is dealt with by threatening rather than sending or running family-specific images through the app.


Intimate Image Blackmail Via Whatsapp

The Whatsapp, Skype, and Facebook Messenger programs are the most commonly used to commit the Internet video crime. Thanks to these programs, video and audio calls can be made. In our country, there are many victims of blackmail who are exposed to the threat of disclosure through photographs, videos and private correspondence obtained by gaining trust.

Today, the WhatsApp application is one of the most widely used communication applications among individuals.
Whatsapp not only facilitates communication, but also facilitates crime in many cases. Today, many blackmail crimes are committed via WhatsApp. Since the message from the other party can be deleted when a message is sent via Whatsapp, some writers send a message first and then delete the message. Thus, the evidence is obscured. The blackmail crime victim should immediately take a screenshot when they see the message from the WhatsApp application. In fact, not only the screenshot of the message should be taken, but also the screenshot of the author and the profile containing his information. However, blackmail via whatsapp is also done through the unauthorized seizure of personal data.

Blackmail on WhatsApp is also done with unauthorized personal data. In most cases, people who have been victims for a while, their ex-lovers, and friends they have been close to for a while can blackmail the victim. In the committing of blackmail crime via Whatsapp, a visual file or video shared by the person voluntarily can be the subject of blackmail later. With the messages sent one after another, the crime can be committed in a chain way. In these cases, there is a legal advantage for the victim of blackmail crime to file a complaint with legal support and initiate criminal proceedings.

Blackmail Crimes

Such blackmail crimes can be basically divided into two categories. The first of these is blackmailing the other person who makes the mistake of sending photos and videos over the internet and social networks to the person he has just met. Not everything is as it seems on the internet, lies and cheats are common. Therefore, it is extremely risky to share private information or information only with people you meet online and not in real life. The second category of victims is blackmailing some private images they shared in the past and then broke up with. Even if the relationship is over, the party that does not leave or has a crisis blackmails the other party with pictures, photographs, private videos.

In both video blackmail crimes, Whatsapp blackmailers threaten to send private images of the victim to others or post them on the Internet and ask the victim to do what they want. In some cases this will force the demand relationship, in other cases it is a demand for money. If the blackmail crime is committed within the country, the legal path to be followed is different. International legal action is also required if there is a blackmail crime abroad.

In blackmails made over Whatsapp, money is demanded especially through Western Union UPT. Blackmail offenders tend to collect the blackmail money through these alternative transfer systems, not bank accounts, to avoid disclosure.

If the victim deposits money, they will be asked for money again on the same day or within a few days. Sending money is never the solution to these crimes. Investing money on the contrary will result in further blackmailing the victim. Therefore, you can contact us about this.

What Should a Whatsapp Blackmail Victim Do?

Those who are victims of blackmail should not give in to blackmail. Giving in to blackmail and fulfilling the blackmailer’s wishes will never end blackmail acts. On the contrary, doing what the blackmailer says will motivate the blackmailer to blackmail more. Therefore, those who are exposed to the crime of blackmail with Whatsapp should definitely get legal and professional help. The answer to the question of what the blackmail victim should do is to get help to stop the blackmail acts. Victims of blackmail can apply to us to catch the blackmailer and to take action against sharing the images on the internet.


Support for Whatsapp Blackmail Victims

It is necessary to collect all the evidence as soon as possible by contacting a lawyer who specializes in blackmail.
Blackmail committed crimes on the Internet and social media are specific crimes that require expertise to solve.
The legal and technical roadmap should be based on trust and confidentiality should be guaranteed.

Since preventing the propagation of private images is your first goal, it is best to consult a lawyer experienced in blackmail as soon as possible. In case the blackmailer publishes the visual, video and similar materials that are the subject of his crime on the internet, a legal request should be made immediately to remove this content.

Video Blackmail from Abroad

Blackmail abroad or blackmail from abroad is the situation where people outside of Turkey commit the blackmail crime. In other words, it is the perpetrator in a foreign country committing a crime against the victim in Turkey. The crime of blackmail from a foreign country is usually committed over the internet or through video call recording. One of the most common versions of blackmail is the crime of video blackmail, committed by or through one or more people. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in cyber crimes with the increase in the use of the internet and smart phones. The fact that people can communicate with each other without physically talking to each other over many applications allows this cyber blackmail crime to be committed against people from different parts of the world.


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Weekdays: 09:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00
E-mail: [email protected]

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